Saturday 10 June 2017

Fasting with family

This holiday, I got the chance to celebrate Ramadan and fasting with my family. So, during this holiday we spent time together. My mother and I  cooked for breakfast, and when my father at home, we went to Bazaar Ramadan together. At night, we went to musolla for tarawikh prayer.
During weekend, we work together to tidy up the house for Hari Raya Aidilfitri. At that time, there are many useless things in our house so we decided to throw it. W e prepared things such as our clothes, scarves and shoes. My mother and I also prepared some cookies such as 'semperit'. I think, this holiday is happiest holiday for us because we can spend time together since we are so busy with our own work. We also can fasting together.... :)

Friday 9 June 2017

My embarrassing childhood memory

My parents and I were shopping at mart. I was around 5 years old at that time. I was extremely shy, and I hated meeting new people, so I often stayed close to my parents.
I had a lollipop in my left hand and I was walking around happily, my right holding my father’s.
The store was very crowded. As we struggled to find a place to checkout, we ended up mushing into a large crowd of people. In result, I dropped my lollipop on the floor, and I let go of my father’s hands in my attempt to search for it.
In the crowd of people, it was inevitable that I'd get separated from my parents. I looked around, and skated through the small crevices between the mob of people.
Let me also note that I was a very small child. 6 year olds in general aren't that tall, but I was very much below the average height. I was struggling to decipher who was my father and whom was not, thus looking at faces was certainly not an option.
I searched for a familiar hand — my father’s. Relieved, I found one that looked just like his, and I was almost certain that it was my father’s.
Being my ignorant 5 years old self, I grabbed the hand without clarifying who it was. After a second or two, I finally looked up to make sure it was my father.
It was not my father.
I yelped, quickly letting go of the mysterious, yet familiar hand. I turned the direction opposite of where I was initially headed.
I looked everywhere for my parents and soon enough I found myself hiding behind one of those small racks they have holding little packs of gum and candies because I was so traumatized and embarrassed at the same time.
I cried behind that little rack for what seemed like around half an hour. Turns out my parents were frantically looking for me and called over groups of mart workers to search for me.
still get embarrassed whenever I think about it…

Thursday 23 March 2017

Family's activity

Actually, I did not have specific activity that I already did. But today I will share with you what I did at my hometown. It have been long time since I went back to my hometown since it has nobody there. My father decided to bring my family there including my uncles and aunts. When we arrive there, we started to clean our house since it was really long time since last we went there. My mother, my aunts and I cleaned inside the house, while the rest cleaned outside the house.

When we finished, we rest for a while before went to the river nearby. My cousins and I played happily at the river. During that time, we were all happy spent time together. After that, we have dinner together at home. We shared stories, problems and memories since we not see each other too often. I think it was a great memory that we can spent time together. We can have chat together. By this, we can make our relationship become stronger and closer.

Next day, we prepared to went back to our house. We hugged each other because it hard for us to see each other since we stay far from each other. So, I think this is my amazing activity that I ever done because I can meet my family members and get closer to each other.

“When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching -- they are your family. ” 
― Jim Butcher

So, last word from me, love your family especially your parents since they are still alive. Appreciate them and love them like they love you.

Interesting Food I Tried

This was my great experience during this school holiday. I tasted "sate minang" first time in my life. It was amazing. At first, I was hesitated to taste it but when I saw my parents eat it with delight, I tried my first bite. When it enter my mouth, I felt like I was in paradise. It was so delicious that I cannot stop eating it. I wonder where my parents bought it, and they said it was at night market. So, I can eat it whenever I want it.

Actually, it was quite different with satay that we usually eat. The texture of the meat, the sauce of the satay is very different. The sauce of "sate minang" did not use nut like sauce of satay that we usually eat. So, I think that is very unique. So, I hope you all can taste it because when you taste it, for sure you will want it more.

Don't forget to get your great experience like me. :)