Saturday 10 June 2017

Fasting with family

This holiday, I got the chance to celebrate Ramadan and fasting with my family. So, during this holiday we spent time together. My mother and I  cooked for breakfast, and when my father at home, we went to Bazaar Ramadan together. At night, we went to musolla for tarawikh prayer.
During weekend, we work together to tidy up the house for Hari Raya Aidilfitri. At that time, there are many useless things in our house so we decided to throw it. W e prepared things such as our clothes, scarves and shoes. My mother and I also prepared some cookies such as 'semperit'. I think, this holiday is happiest holiday for us because we can spend time together since we are so busy with our own work. We also can fasting together.... :)

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